trap out

英 [træp aʊt] 美 [træp aʊt]

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  1. Eg: This is a trap to give out our limited resources.
  2. The fox and the dog both fell into a trap set by the farmer. They cried out in fear.
  3. I see so many young couples who get married and trap themselves into a lifestyle that will not let them get out of debt for most of their working years.
  4. Once you fall into a trap, it will not be easy to get out of it.
  5. Songliao Basin is a secondary lithologic trap including lithologic updip pinch out trap, diagenetic trap, tight reservoir trap and mud stone fracture trap.
  6. "It's easy to fall into a trap, But hard to get out again" entrap: To catch in or as if in a trap.
  7. To avoid this trap, managers need to get out of their offices regularly and use their eyes.
  8. "It's easy to fall into a trap, But hard to get out again"
  9. He laid a trap in order to find out who had betrayed him.
  10. In effect, he was saying that China had driven itself into a dollar trap, and that it can neither get itself out nor change the policies that put it in that trap in the first place.
  11. One missed target took skeet shooter Matt and trap star Jay out of medal contention as China's Zhang Shan and Czechoslvakia's Hrdlicka took gold respectively.
  12. Spain remains stuck in a worsening debt trap, out of which default will be the only escape.
  13. Jack suddenly realizes this is a trap, and he tosses the cell phone out the window.
  14. A psychic rogue who beats a trap's DC by10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it ( with his party) without disarming it.
  15. In Svalbard, Norway's Arctic archipelago, a camera trap catches a polar bear looking out of place on bare brown soil.
  16. But the pursuit of happiness is full of pitfalls, and people can easily fall into the trap of imagining there is something out there that, once achieved, will make our life a haven of contentment.
  17. When you step into the trap of depressed mood, you can jump out of the trap, if only you pretend to use your good mood to keep with others, the happiness of life will come to you naturally.
  18. The International Comparison Trap and the Way out for Tertiary Industry Proportion in China
  19. Shattered breccia is a kind of better reservoir rock body. Centered on the fracture systems where earthquake took place, it forms a lithologic trap type thinning out towards bilateral reservoir rock body.
  20. The paper dealt with the trapping mechanism of insect taxis trap and its application effect in cities and pointed out that light trapping was the effective measure for controlling phototactic pest insects in urban gardens.
  21. Discusses the work principle and testing methods of line trap and combined filter, points out the important meaning of developing field test of line trap and combined filter.
  22. For this reason, the lithological trap investigation has been carried out on the basis of full 3-D seismic migration data.
  23. An experimental study on the performance of freeze-dryer's cold trap has been carried out under different temperature of the cold trap coil and different frost thickness in the paper.
  24. At last, we analyse the exploration potential of favorable trap and point out the next step deep-seated gas exploration objective in QiaoKou region.
  25. The concealed traps in Baxian depression can be classified into five types, namely minor buried-hill trap at fault bench, delta trap, the trap of geologic body causing abnormal seismic reflections, thinning-out stratigraphic trap and interformational structure trap.
  26. There is natural gas producing in the trap, and also good gas indication out of the trap.
  27. Each sediment sequence system mode is built. Sediment faces of subtle trap are pointed out. Dominating factors of forming subtle trap are analyzed.
  28. In order to study the influence of large grains shape on the 'trap' effect, discrete element simulation and indenter experiment are carried out.
  29. Therefore, it is very important to remove the camouflage of "the ideological trap of globalization", face the reality of globalization rightly, and go out of the path of self-improvement in the process of globalization.